A Positive Atmosphere Nurtures Achievement and Growth
We believe that students are able to achieve more when they are in an atmosphere of acceptance. This is one reason why we strive to create a positive social atmosphere at Barnstable. However, there are many other reasons—most notably, the positive and long-term implications it has on social interactions and personal growth.
Part of A Well-Rounded Education
While achievements in academic subject areas are of central importance, academic achievement alone cannot lead to a successful, fulfilled individual. People—no matter their professional knowledge or credentials—need to cooperate with others to make valuable contributions in life. For this reason, social skills and opportunities are not simply an ‘extra’. They are essential to one’s education.
At Barnstable, students are expected to learn how to cooperate with others, to honor and respect the uniqueness of others, to value and work effectively with individual differences, and to be responsible members of a group or community effort.
A young person’s character, moral development, and relationships with peers are every bit as important as his or her grades and talents. Our school environment is carefully crafted to allow these and other less-measurable aspects of student development to emerge and grow.
Student Opportunities
There are many opportunities for students to participate in Barnstable’s social life, both in everyday pursuits and in special trips and events.
Below is a short list of what’s available:
- BLT (Student Government)
- Chess Club
- Publications
- Ski Club
- Junior-Senior Prom
- Hiking Club
- Pep Rally
- War Strategies
- School Dances
- Spirit Week
- Field Trips